Cameroon Football Development Program Leaders Pave the Way

We All Teach. We All Learn.

'CFDP Dey Done Come-o'

Leaders practice football drills which they will later implement in the youth camps. It is important to incorporate football skills into the curriculum of the program to challenge the youth both physically and mentally. When they succeed in mastering the basics of football, they build self confidence which can carry over on the pitch and in other parts of their life.
During the training sessions, we began a chant/song that will hopefully carry on as long as the Cameroon Football Development Program lives...
"CFDP dey done come-o
Man wey de sleep,
Make he wake up!"
Translation (Pidgin to English): CFDP has arrived. Anyone who is sleeping should wake up to see!
Dedication: No Matter Rain or Shine

Meeting of Minds

Brian Leads Morning Football Drills 

Youth learn the importance of ball control with a series of dribbling exercises. Leaders encourage them to practice with their 'weak' foot, something many of them are not used to doing. Over 100 youth attend camps over three days. They each receive a t-shirt donated by the Passback Program (University of Oregon World Cup 2009 and 2010). They will surely never forget this experience.
More Football Drills

Ashu Leads a Group Discussion

Afternoon Friendly Match with Peers