Tuesday, August 3, 2010


The weekend was filled with great fun. So much to write about, combined with very little internet time due to a busy schedule and internet and power outages, requires brevity.

Saturday morning we moved to Ocean City Radio Station where we were interviewed about CFDP. The radio show hosts were very interested in the program, as one of them visited us during our training sessions, and we discussed the start up and future of the program.

Afterwards we moved to St. Francis College and secured the pitch for our youth football camps the following Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. We expect about 100 youth over the three days of camps. While the pitch we were supposed to have was only cut halfway (the guy with the lawnmower disappered with his advance of 20.000 fcfa), the principal approved of our using the pitch at the front of the school.

A wedding in the afternoon followed with a great feast at the reception.

Sunday we met with the board of directors in preparation for the youth camps. We also attended a party at Dr. Julius Amin's house. He built something like a palace over the past 10 years. There were many high profile attendees, including the Government Delegate of Kumba, members of the urban council, and prominent doctors and leaders in the community. At his request, I had the opportunity to speak about CFDP and many people were excited to hear about the program. Kumba can never forget the University of Dayton!

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