Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Play-by-Play from the First CFDP After-School Session in Cameroon

Again – Straight Outta Cameroon – This email was sent earlier this week from The Main Man, Aminkeng Brian:

Sorry about the delayance in getting the report across to you. It is because of the electricity and internet failure. All the same…

This is the report on the camp that took place on Wednesday Nov 03 2010 at Government Secondary School Nkamlikum.

Start time: 2:30pm Cameroon Time (6 hours ahead EST)

No. CFDP Leaders: Six

Youth: 40 girls; 27 boys

Ages: 12 to 17, average age being 16

Warm-up: Immediately after the registration, we did the normal jogging and then later on went straight to the ice breaking exercise. This was very fast because the students already knew themselves.

Topic: As decided during our last board meeting,we elaborated so much on Adolescence,not failing to talk briefly on healthy relationship.Promising to come back to the healthy relationship topic when next we meet them again.

Football Drills: Later on we began with the passing of the ball and we made sure we emphasised on them to try as much as possible to to make their passes precise and short. Then we moved on to the controlling or dribbling of the ball between the cones, asking them to use both legs. And later on we ended with chest control of the ball. These exercises were mostly coordinated with by Brian, Wallace and Richard, while Dickson, Caroline and Nenne were busy preparing for the discussions.

Comments (abridged):

At the begining,the youths had difficulties grasping the football drills,but after insistence and further demonstration on our part,the guys picked up pretty well.As for the girls,they had difficulties in grasping or easily doing the exercise. In a nutshell,the general participation of the youths during the discussions and through out the camp was very encouraging.

I will like to point out that all these would not have have been possible without the collaboration and support of the sports master of the institution Mr Penda, who made sure that before our arrival he had published a list of the students for the session on the school notice board. This week we will be moving over to Government Bilingual High School Kosala and we intend on repeating the same exercise we did at GSS Nkamlikum there, with the collaboration of the sports master Mr. Mbianke.

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