Monday, December 27, 2010

CFDP local team participates in HIV Workshop

On December 22nd, 9 members of the CFDP Board of Directors in Kumba, Cameroon came together to participate in a day-long training workshop. Mr. Eugene Atabong Atem, whose title is National Expert on HIV Mainstreaming in the South West Region for the German Development Service (DED) in Cameroon, held a day-long workshop on HIV Mainstreaming. The focus was two-fold: incorporating HIV education, prevention, and awareness strategies into the activities of CFDP and creating a one-year plan of action to identify goals and measure achievement.

The team measured the workshop a great success!

"Working closely with Eugene, a local expert on such an important topic as HIV/AIDS in Cameroon, really created for a beneficial exchange of knowledge and will open doors for CFDP" said one board member, Diba Dickson.
CFDP will work closely with Eugene and DED over the next year to mainstream HIV education and prevention activities into our regular soccer sessions. Consider this continuing-education in a professional development capacity.

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