Sunday, January 9, 2011


HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Well...most of the festivites of the holiday season are finished now and its back to work for the start of another year. No 'ho-hum' for us here with CFDP!! We are still celebrating!! We anticipate a groundbreaking year in for the record books!

Today we had two kick-off meetings going on - separated by only a few hours...and a few thousand miles.

In Kumba, our team was busy working out details and assigning responsibilities for a number of tasks essential to operations early in 2011:

Coordinating our first PEN PAL program - connecting 16 young boys and girls in Cameroon with 16 young soccer players in Montreal, Quebec.

Maintaining our after-school programs with the same two schools in Nkalikum and Kosala.

Branching our after-school program to another village, Nkambe, in the North West Region.

Registering as a Legal Non-Government Organization in Cameroon and Coordinating Logistics for the 2011 Expo set for June and July of this year.

In Pittsburgh, we held our first US Team Meeting. We are a team of around 12(+) with a few constituents currently in other cities...and countries. Our goals for the first half of 2011 are simply summarized as follows: empower our team in Cameroon with capacity and resources to own and operate CFDP through 2012. More on our meeting later...Cheers to A Great Year!

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