Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cameroonian Leader weighs in on uprising in Tunisia and Libya

The events in North Africa are a wakeup call for the entire continent. You have leaders who cling to power for long stretches of time while they do nothing good for the continent's children, you have a continent blessed with so much but having nothing at the table because everything is been looted by the West and now China follow suit, so you have hungry angry people whose only alternative will be to take to the streets. Our leaders should wake up and work for the people or make way for the young patriotic able citizens who can turn Africa in a success story. Africa should be a leading continent but not a following continent as is the case. You have a continent divided in Euro or Arab centric, Anglo or francophone, it's time for us to choose our true friends and develop our continent as one, stop begging Europe and China and perhaps look at models like South Africa, Brazil and India.

Chief Bisong Etahoben, Yaounde, Cameroon

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