Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Meet The PenPals - Part I

We are happy to introduce some of the 16 talented young people from Kumba, Cameroon who are participating in out Premier PenPal Program. They come from various neighborhoods all across Kumba. They range in age from 13 to 21 years. Each of them wants to achieve their dream of pursuing their education and becomming leaders within their community. They have been paired with 16 young soccer players in Montreal, Quebec - most of whom are university students pursuing their own dreams.

What brings these people from two very different countries on two very different continents together?

One Beautiful Game.

Here you get a chance to meet some of the youth from Cameroon. Next time we learn more about their new friends in Montreal.

Kelda, 17
Plans to become a medical doctor

Emmanuel, 18
Future Accountant

Tambe, 15
Wishes to become the next Samuel Eto'o

Eduardo, 16
Wishes to pursue a Degree in Education

Janet, 21
Hopes to attend a Cameroonian University

Menjane Zita, 15
Wants to play on the National Women's Team

We believe CFDP can help them to follow their dreams for the betterment of themselves, their families, their communities, and their nation.

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